Thursday, July 15, 2010

Kale's Not Lettuce

My friend Melissa is definitely a foodie, with years of experience in the restaurant business and a passion for good food. Among her many food adventures, she also has a food blog called That's Not Lettuce. This would have been great for me to remember a couple days ago when we brought home our kale, because that leafy delight was her topic that day! In her post she discussed kale's relationship to various members of the animal kingdom, and how to make it into a yummy snack.

Here is how she made Kale Chips:
All you do is toss the kale with a little olive oil and sea salt, lay it on a cookie sheet and bake it in an oven preheated to 350° for about 10 minutes. Don’t crowd it. It will steam instead of bake if you do. Be careful, it will burn, but you also don’t want to pull it out too early, or it will be too chewy. I had a blast trying different spices and salts on it. My favorite was a little bit of smoked paprika.

Ben and I used up the kale we got from Green Grocer, but Melissa's post has inspired me to perhaps purchase some more and try making some of these kale chips to take with us on our upcoming road trip.


Found in the Alley said...

That chips recipe sounds a little hot for summertime recipes.

I read an article about the founder of Whole Foods recently that went off on a tangent about how WF was trying to figure out ways to enhance their marketing of kale solely because of its many nutritional benefits (it really is one of the healthiest foods). Nevertheless it doesn't sell exceptionally well and WF sells a lot more unhealthy stuff because that's what the people like.

I like kale but I can see why it's not more popular. It loses a lot of its nutritional value in tasty recipes like chips; and raw or steamed it's a bit hard to chew.

We add it (and various other greens) to bean/legume dishes in the winter. Just chop up the greens good and add to beans or lentils (etc.) ten minutes or so before serving.


suzy said...

Kilian thanks for the helpful comment! We actually did try the Kale Chips - but it didn't work out so well for us. I really like it steamed with rice but I love the idea of added it to hot dishes like you mentioned!